Audio bitrate explained: Key concepts and importance

October 9, 2024
7 Min
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In the early 1980s, the compact disc set a high standard with a bitrate of 1,411 kbps, delivering crystal-clear audio. The 1990s brought the MP3 format, allowing music to be compressed to sizes that made sharing and storage easier, typically ranging from 128 kbps to 320 kbps.

As streaming services gained popularity in the 2010s, bitrate became crucial for audio quality, offering options for both standard and high-quality streams. Today, high-resolution audio formats are pushing the limits of sound fidelity, providing audiophiles with an enhanced listening experience.

For developers and audio enthusiasts alike, understanding audio bitrate is essential to crafting high-quality sound experiences. In this blog, we’ll break down what is audio bitrate, its impact on sound quality, why it matters, and how developers can effectively manage it in their projects.


What is audio bitrate?

Audio bitrate refers to the amount of data processed per second in an audio file, typically measured in kilobits per second (kbps). The higher the bitrate, the better the audio quality, but this also means larger file sizes. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Low bitrate (e.g., 64 kbps): Lower audio quality, suitable for speech or talk radio.
  • Medium bitrate (e.g., 128 kbps): Good balance between quality and file size, often used for streaming music.
  • High bitrate (e.g., 320 kbps): High-quality audio, typically used for music that requires clear sound.‍

Why does bitrate matter?

Audio quality

Higher bitrates result in better sound quality because more data means more detail in the audio. This is especially important for music and audio that has a lot of dynamics and details.

File size

A higher bitrate increases file size, which can affect storage and bandwidth. Developers need to strike a balance between quality and size based on the intended use of the audio.

Streaming performance

In a streaming context, bitrate directly impacts user experience. A high bitrate might cause buffering on slower internet connections, while a low bitrate might result in poor audio quality.

Technical aspects of audio bitrate management

  1. Encoding formats

    Different audio formats have different compression methods that can affect bitrate. Here are a few common ones:
    • MP3: Widely used, offers adjustable bitrates. Common choices are 128 kbps and 320 kbps. MP3 compression uses perceptual coding to remove inaudible sounds.
    • AAC (Advanced audio codec): Often better quality at lower bitrates compared to MP3. It’s widely used in streaming services like YouTube and Apple Music.
    • FLAC (Free lossless audio codec): A lossless format that preserves all audio details, resulting in larger file sizes but perfect fidelity. Ideal for audiophiles.
    • OGG vorbis: An open-source codec that provides good quality at lower bitrates. It's commonly used in gaming and streaming due to its flexibility.‍‍
  1. Variable vs. Constant bitrate
    • Constant bitrate (CBR): The bitrate remains the same throughout the audio file. This is simple to manage but can be inefficient for dynamic audio.
    • Variable bitrate (VBR): The bitrate adjusts depending on the complexity of the audio at any given moment. This can optimize quality and reduce file size but requires more processing power.
  1. Adaptive bitrate streaming (ABS): For streaming applications, adaptive bitrate streaming (ABS) is a key technology. It allows the streaming server to adjust the audio bitrate in real-time based on the user’s current internet speed. Here’s how it works:Multiple bitrates: The audio file is encoded at various bitrates. Dynamic switching: The streaming application monitors the connection speed and switches between different bitrates seamlessly, ensuring minimal buffering and optimal quality.
  1. Audio processing tools: As a developer, you can use tools and libraries to manage audio bitrate effectively:

    FFmpeg: A powerful command-line tool for audio/video processing. You can convert audio formats, adjust bitrates, and more with simple commands.

    Example command for converting audio:ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -b:a 192k output.mp3

    A Python library for audio analysis that can help you manipulate audio files and analyse quality based on bitrate.

    LAME MP3 encoder:
    An efficient encoder for converting audio to MP3 format with customizable bitrate settings.‍‍
  1. Audio bitrate in different contexts

    Podcasting: Typically uses bitrates around 64-128 kbps for spoken content, ensuring clarity while keeping file sizes manageable.Music streaming: Services like Spotify offer options for users to choose their preferred bitrate (e.g., 96 kbps, 160 kbps, or 320 kbps) based on their data plans.Gaming: Sound effects often require lower bitrates (e.g., 32 kbps to 128 kbps) for quick loading while maintaining clarity.‍
  1. Multichannel audio

    In formats like 5.1 surround sound, bitrate considerations are even more critical. Each channel requires its own data stream, which increases the overall bitrate. Developers should ensure that their audio settings optimize the experience without overwhelming bandwidth.
  1. Bitrate and sample rate

    Understanding the relationship between bitrate and sample rate is crucial. The sample rate (e.g., 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz) determines how many samples of audio are taken per second. Higher sample rates can improve audio quality but also require higher bitrates. For example, a 24-bit audio file at 96 kHz will have a significantly higher bitrate compared to a standard CD-quality 16-bit audio file at 44.1 kHz.‍

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Best practices for managing audio bitrate

  • Analyse your audience: Understand your users’ devices and internet capabilities. For mobile users, consider lower bitrates for better performance.
  • Test different formats: Experiment with various audio formats and bitrates to find the best quality-to-size ratio for your application.
  • Implement ABS: If you’re developing a streaming service, integrate adaptive bitrate streaming to enhance user experience.
  • Use metadata: Include metadata with your audio files to allow players to select the appropriate bitrate based on user preferences and network conditions.
  • Profile your audio: Regularly analyse audio quality with tools like A/B testing to determine user preferences and adjust accordingly.

Features of audio bitrate

  1. Audio compression algorithms

Understanding how different audio compression algorithms work can give developers an edge in choosing the right format. For example:

  • Perceptual audio coding: This technique removes audio data that is less audible to the human ear, allowing for lower bitrates without noticeable loss in quality. This is a core principle behind MP3 and AAC encoding.
  • Lossless vs. Lossy compression: Lossless formats (like FLAC) retain all audio information, while lossy formats (like MP3) sacrifice some data for smaller sizes. Knowing when to use each can significantly affect the user experience.

what is audio bitrate

A basic implementation of audio compression using the pydub library for handling audio files. This example shows both lossy (MP3) and lossless (FLAC) compression techniques.

First, make sure you have pydub and ffmpeg installed. You can install pydub via pip:

1pip install pydub
3from pydub import AudioSegment
5def compress_audio(input_file, output_file, format='mp3', bitrate='192k'):
6    """
7    Compress audio using specified format and bitrate.
9    Args:
10        input_file (str): Path to the input audio file.
11        output_file (str): Path to save the compressed audio file.
12        format (str): The format to save the audio in ('mp3', 'flac').
13        bitrate (str): The bitrate for lossy formats.
14    """
15    # Load the audio file
16    audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_file)
18    # Export audio to the specified format
19    if format == 'mp3':
20        audio.export(output_file, format='mp3', bitrate=bitrate)
21    elif format == 'flac':
22        audio.export(output_file, format='flac')
23    else:
24        raise ValueError("Unsupported format. Use 'mp3' or 'flac'.")
26# Example usage
27input_audio = "input.wav"  # Input audio file path
28lossy_output = "output.mp3"  # Output lossy compressed file
29lossless_output = "output.flac"  # Output lossless compressed file
31# Compress to lossy format (MP3)
32compress_audio(input_audio, lossy_output, format='mp3', bitrate='192k')
34# Compress to lossless format (FLAC)
35compress_audio(input_audio, lossless_output, format='flac')
  1. Audio watermarking and bitrate

Watermarking is a technique used to embed information in audio files without significantly altering their quality. Developers should consider how watermarking might affect bitrate and overall audio fidelity, especially in streaming scenarios. To apply audio watermarking using the pydub library and a simple method to embed a watermark signal. This example also considers the impact of watermarking on bitrate and overall audio fidelity.

Code snippet

First, ensure you have pydub and numpy installed:

pip install pydub numpy

Watermarking function

1from pydub import AudioSegment
2import numpy as np
4def add_watermark(input_file, watermark_file, output_file, volume_increase=0.1):
5    """
6    Add a watermark to an audio file.
8    Args:
9        input_file (str): Path to the input audio file.
10        watermark_file (str): Path to the watermark audio file.
11        output_file (str): Path to save the watermarked audio file.
12        volume_increase (float): Volume increase for the watermark.
13    """
14    # Load the original audio and the watermark
15    original_audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_file)
16    watermark_audio = AudioSegment.from_file(watermark_file)
18    # Adjust the volume of the watermark
19    watermark_audio = watermark_audio + (volume_increase * 20)  # Increase volume in dB
21    # Ensure the watermark is shorter or equal to the original
22    if len(watermark_audio) > len(original_audio):
23        watermark_audio = watermark_audio[:len(original_audio)]
25    # Overlay the watermark on the original audio
26    watermarked_audio = original_audio.overlay(watermark_audio)
28    # Export the watermarked audio
29    watermarked_audio.export(output_file, format='mp3', bitrate='192k')  # Adjust bitrate as needed
31# Example usage
32input_audio = "input.wav"  # Original audio file path
33watermark_audio = "watermark.wav"  # Watermark audio file path
34output_audio = "output_watermarked.mp3"  # Output watermarked file
36add_watermark(input_audio, watermark_audio, output_audio)


  • Volume control: The watermark's volume is increased by a specified amount (in dB) to ensure it blends into the original audio without overpowering it.
  • Bitrate considerations: The watermarked audio is exported in MP3 format with a specified bitrate. Developers should choose the bitrate based on their use case, balancing quality and file size, especially in streaming scenarios.
  1. Surround sound and bitrate scaling

For immersive audio experiences like virtual reality (VR) or gaming, developers often use surround sound formats. These formats demand higher bitrates to maintain quality across multiple channels. Developers need to ensure that their applications can dynamically adjust quality based on user hardware and bandwidth conditions.

To handle surround sound audio and adjust bitrate dynamically based on user hardware and bandwidth conditions. This example uses the pydub library for audio manipulation.

Code snippet

Make sure you have pydub installed:

pip install pydub

#Surround sound handling with dynamic bitrate scaling

1from pydub import AudioSegment
3def adjust_bitrate(input_file, output_file, channels=6, user_bandwidth='high'):
4    """
5#Convert audio to surround sound format and adjust bitrate based on user bandwidth.
7    Args:
8        input_file (str): Path to the input audio file.
9        output_file (str): Path to save the converted audio file.
10        channels (int): Number of audio channels (e.g., 2 for stereo, 6 for 5.1 surround).
11        user_bandwidth (str): User's bandwidth condition ('low', 'medium', 'high').
12    """
13    # Load the original audio file
14    audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_file)
16    # Check the desired bitrate based on bandwidth
17    if user_bandwidth == 'low':
18        bitrate = '128k'  # Lower bitrate for low bandwidth
19    elif user_bandwidth == 'medium':
20        bitrate = '192k'  # Medium bitrate
21    else:
22        bitrate = '320k'  # High bitrate for high bandwidth
24    # Convert to surround sound format (if applicable)
25    if channels > 2:
26        audio = audio.set_channels(channels)  # Set to surround channels
28    # Export the audio with the appropriate bitrate
29    audio.export(output_file, format='mp3', bitrate=bitrate)
31# Example usage
32input_audio = "input.wav"  # Original audio file path
33output_audio = "output_surround.mp3"  # Output audio file
35# User's bandwidth condition (can be dynamically set)
36user_bandwidth = 'high'  # Change to 'low', 'medium', or 'high' as needed
38adjust_bitrate(input_audio, output_audio, channels=6, user_bandwidth=user_bandwidth)


  • Surround sound: The function allows you to convert an audio file to a specified number of channels (e.g., 5.1 surround sound). The set_channels method adjusts the audio accordingly.
  • Dynamic bitrate scaling: The function dynamically selects a bitrate based on the user's bandwidth conditions (low, medium, high). This helps ensure optimal playback quality without overwhelming the user's hardware or network.
  • Exporting: The audio is exported in MP3 format with the selected bitrate, suitable for various playback scenarios, including VR and gaming.

How to convert audio files to mp3 format using ffmpeg

Converting audio files to MP3 using FFmpeg is straightforward and efficient. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

Step 1: Install FFmpeg

First, ensure you have FFmpeg installed on your system. You can download it from the official FFmpeg website or install it via a package manager.

For windows: Download the binary files, extract them, and add the path to your system's environment variables.

For macOS: You can install FFmpeg using Homebrew:

brew install ffmpeg

For linux: You can usually install it through your package manager, for example:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Step 2: Open command line interface

Open your terminal (command prompt on windows, terminal on macOS or linux).

Step 3: Prepare your input file

Make sure you have the audio file you want to convert ready. For this example, let’s say the file is named input_audio.wav.

Step 4: Use the FFmpeg command

To convert your audio file to MP3 format, you can use the following command:

ffmpeg -i input_audio.wav -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 192k output_audio.mp3

Breakdown of the command:

ffmpeg: The command-line tool you are using.

-i input_audio.wav: Specifies the input file. Replace input_audio.wav with your actual file name and format.

-codec:alibmp3lame: Sets the audio codec to LAME MP3 encoder, which is commonly used for MP3 encoding.

-b192k: Sets the audio bitrate to 192 kbps. You can adjust this value (e.g., 128k, 320k) based on your desired audio quality.

output_audio.mp3: This is the name of your converted file. You can change it to whatever you prefer.

Step 5: Execute the command

Press enter to run the command. FFmpeg will process the file and create an MP3 version of your audio.

Step 6: Verify the output

Once the conversion is complete, check the output file (in this case, output_audio.mp3) to ensure it has been converted successfully.

Additional tips

Batch conversion: If you want to convert multiple files at once, you can use a loop in the command line. For example, in a bash shell:

for file in *.wav; do
    ffmpeg -i "$file" -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 192k "${file%.wav}.mp3"

Check quality: Experiment with different bitrates to find the balance between audio quality and file size that suits your needs.

Advanced options: FFmpeg has many other options for filtering and processing audio.

By following these steps, you can convert any audio file to MP3 format easily using FFmpeg.

Final thoughts

Understanding audio bitrate is key for anyone who loves music or works with sound. Bitrate affects how good your audio sounds and how big the files are.

At FastPix, we make sure you get the best listening experience by delivering high-quality audio without annoying buffering. Whether you're jamming to your favourite tunes, enjoying a podcast, or gaming, we’ve got you covered!

Join us at FastPix and discover how great audio can transform your listening experience. Tune in and feel the difference!


How does bitrate affect audio quality?

Higher bitrates provide more audio detail and clarity, making them ideal for music and complex audio. Lower bitrates may lead to compression artifacts and reduced sound quality.

What is the difference between lossy and lossless audio formats?

Lossy formats (like MP3) sacrifice some audio data for smaller file sizes, while lossless formats (like FLAC) retain all audio information, resulting in larger files but better fidelity.

What is adaptive bitrate streaming?

Adaptive bitrate streaming (ABS) adjusts the audio quality in real-time based on the user's internet speed, ensuring optimal playback without buffering.

How can developers manage audio bitrate effectively?

Developers can analyse user needs, test various formats, implement adaptive streaming, and utilize audio processing tools like FFmpeg or Librosa to optimize audio quality and file size.

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