CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) for Video Streaming

September 13, 2024
10 Min
Video Engineering
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Content Delivery Networks are essential for optimizing video streaming by reducing latency and ensuring high-quality experiences. We’ll explore the core operations of a CDN, their key features, and how they improve video delivery. We will also cover leading providers and best practices for implementation.

For developers, understanding this technology is key to building scalable and efficient video streaming applications. We will discuss the technical components of streaming infrastructure, from traditional networks to edge computing solutions.

Meme of viewers when CDN vs no CDN

What is a CDN

A CDN is a network of global servers designed to speed up content delivery by storing copies closer to the user. It keeps everything from video files and HTML code to JavaScript, images, and other web assets.

So, when Jeff in Australia wants to watch a video hosted by John in the USA, it might load slowly due to the distance. With multiple CDNs spread globally, the video is stored on a server near Jeff, so it loads quickly. It’s like having John’s video available right around the corner. Thanks to CDNs, creators like John can reach viewers around the world with fast, smooth playback—no matter where their audience is located.

How is content stored in a CDN

Architecture diagram of a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
CDN architecture

Here’s how it works: CDNs use a smart technique called caching to store copies of your content on servers across the world, allowing files to be delivered quickly from the nearest server. Caching is a technique used to store copies of data or content in temporary storage (a cache) to make future requests faster.

Round Trip Time (RTT) measures how long it takes for a request to travel to the server and back. RTT is a metric calculated to measure the overall performance of a network connection.

Origin servers are the servers where the content is stored. Edge servers cache this content closer to users to speed up delivery. Caching serves content from edge servers if it is available (cache hit) or fetches it from the origin server if it is not found locally (cache miss). The more cache hits, the faster and smoother the experience for your users.

Here’s what it means:

  • Cache hit: When a user requests a piece of content, the CDN checks its local cache first. If the content is found in the cache, it is served directly from there. The RTT is much lower because the data does not need to travel to and from the origin server. This is a "cache hit."  
  • Cache miss: If the content is not in the local cache, the CDN fetches it from the origin server (the source of the content). In this case, the RTT value is higher, as the data must travel a longer distance. This is a "cache miss."

Therefore, a higher cache hit ratio results in lower RTTs and a better user experience.

How is content delivered in a CDN

When a user requests content from a website or application, their device performs a DNS lookup to find the IP address of the nearest CDN server that will deliver the content. The DNS response then routes the request to the CDN server closest to the user’s location.

Pull operation in a Content Delivery Network
Pull operation in a CDN

In a CDN, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ are two methods for distributing content to edge servers. In a push operation, the origin server uploads content to edge servers ahead of time. When new content is created or updated, the system immediately sends it to all edge servers. This method works great for content that does not change much, like static images and pre-recorded video content hosted on websites.

Push operation in a CDN

In a pull operation, content is fetched from the origin server only when requested. This content is then cached and served to other users. This method is perfect for frequently updating content or large volumes of data, like high-resolution images and graphics, software downloads, and updates. It ensures that only necessary content is distributed to edge servers, optimizing efficiency and availability.

Benefits of a CDN

  1. Reduced latency: Latency is the delay between a user’s request and content delivery. Caching reduces this by serving data from a nearby server.
  2. Minimized buffering: Buffering happens when data loads too slowly to keep up with playback. Caching delivers content from local servers, decreasing interruptions and providing a smooth playback.
  3. Improved viewer experience: A smoother and faster delivery of content without delays or buffering means happier viewers.
  4. Increased scalability: Caching distributes content across multiple servers, helping platforms handle more users without performance issues.

Key features to look for in a video CDN

An effective video CDN includes a global server network, real-time analytics, adaptive bitrate streaming, efficient caching, and strong security. These components together ensure swift, reliable, and secure video delivery, enhancing the overall viewer experience and safeguarding content integrity.

  1. Global server network: Global servers deliver content faster by reducing the distance between the server and the viewer. This cuts latency and improves streaming quality, especially during high-traffic events.  
  2. Real-time analytics: These tools track viewer location, device type, and buffering rates. This data helps you quickly fix issues and improve streaming performance.
  3. Adaptive bitrate streaming: Adjusts video quality dynamically based on the viewer’s internet speed and device capabilities, ensuring smooth playback across varying conditions.  
  4. Strong security: DDoS (distributed denial of service) protection guards against attacks that could overwhelm your servers. TLS encryption keeps data safe as it travels between the CDN and viewers.
  5. Delivery Protocols: The CDN must support various streaming protocols to ensure compatibility with different devices and platforms.

Popular CDN providers for video streaming


Akamai's CDN offers advanced video delivery features such as adaptive media delivery, which ensures high-quality streaming by dynamically adjusting to network conditions and device types. It supports various formats, including HLS, MPEG-DASH, and smooth streaming.  

The platform also includes robust security features like encryption, watermarking, and access control to prevent piracy and unauthorized content access. Akamai’s solutions are highly scalable, supporting large audiences for live and on-demand streaming with a 100% availability SLA (Service Level Agreement) guarantee. An SLA refers to the commitment made by the company to ensure a certain level of service availability and performance.  

Akamai’s clients can expect their DNS servers to be consistently available, even during high-traffic events or DDoS attacks.  

Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront integrates seamlessly with AWS services, making it ideal for developers already using AWS. It provides a highly scalable, pay-as-you-go model and allows for real-time logging and monitoring. CloudFront also supports a variety of video streaming protocols, including HLS and MPEG-DASH.  

Its network uses multiple layers of caching to reduce latency and improve performance. With customizable edge server configurations, developers can optimize content delivery for specific use cases, such as live streaming or on-demand content.

CloudFront works well for OTT content providers and digital media companies. It offers fast delivery and strong developer support. You can choose from three pricing options: pay as you go, CloudFront savings bundle, and custom pricing.


Fastly's edge cloud platform is known for its real-time analytics and low-latency content delivery, which are essential for high-performance streaming. The platform offers a developer-friendly environment with the ability to deploy custom logic at the edge, improving video streaming performance and reliability.  

Fastly supports instant content purging and real-time configuration changes, giving developers more control over content delivery. It also has built-in security features like DDoS protection and bot mitigation, which help maintain uninterrupted streaming experiences.

Fastly is ideal for digital mixed-media companies and online publications. It offers four versions: Trial, Essential, Professional, and Enterprise, with pricing based on bandwidth usage.


Cloudflare provides a versatile CDN that supports both static and dynamic content, fitting a variety of video streaming needs. It supports various streaming protocols, such as HLS and MPEG-DASH, and provides intelligent routing to optimize delivery paths, ensuring fast, reliable access to video content.  

Cloudflare's CDN also includes security features like DDoS protection, SSL/TLS encryption, and bot management to safeguard video content and prevent disruptions. The platform is designed for easy scalability, capable of handling both small and large-scale streaming operations.

Cloudflare is suitable for users with varying requirements, from independent professionals to large enterprises. If you need a flexible, cost-effective solution to support website content delivery (excluding media use cases), Cloudflare is a good option.


large-scale streaming. The platform provides advanced security features like encryption and token-based authentication to protect content. Edgio’s CDN is built for low latency and high throughput, ensuring smooth delivery even during peak traffic periods.  

It also offers real-time analytics, allowing content providers to monitor performance metrics and make data-driven decisions to optimize streaming quality. The network’s architecture is designed to reduce origin load and improve reliability for both live and on-demand video​.

Edgio is best suited for web applications, offering four tiers of pricing: free, professional, enterprise, and premier.  

Strategies for CDN security

DDoS threat report 2023 from Cloudflare
DDoS threat report 2023 from Cloudflare

  1. Proactive defense: Traditional CDN security measures, such as SSL/TLS encryption, DDoS protection, and Web Application Firewalls (WAFs), are essential but often reactive. CDNs should use AI-driven threat prevention to proactively block evolving cyber threats. This involves using machine learning to detect anomalies and predict potential threats before they occur. For example, real-time traffic monitoring combined with AI-based analysis can identify and mitigate attacks in milliseconds, reducing the risk of downtime or data breaches.
  2. Content protection methods: CDNs enhance security with encryption, watermarking, and geo-blocking. Watermarking embeds unique identifiers in video or image content, making it easier to trace and act against piracy. Geo-blocking restricts access based on the user's location, preventing unauthorized access in high-risk regions. These features help safeguard content creators' intellectual property while maintaining global reach.
  3. Behavioral analytics: CDNs can enhance security by adopting a user-centric approach. Behavioral analytics can identify unusual patterns in user behavior, such as repeated failed login attempts or access from unfamiliar locations. By analyzing these patterns, CDNs can automatically trigger security actions, like requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) or temporarily blocking access, to prevent potential breaches.  
  4. Zero trust architecture: CDNs should move towards a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA), which assumes that every request—internal or external—could be malicious. This means verifying each connection and access request with strict authentication protocols, even within the CDN's network. ZTA can include identity verification, device validation, and context-aware access controls, creating a dynamic security model.
  5. Multi-layered defense: Edge computing is becoming a critical component of CDN infrastructure. To secure the edge, CDNs should implement multi-layered defences, such as DDoS protection directly at the edge nodes, encrypted connections, and decentralized authentication. By bringing security measures closer to the end-user, CDNs can reduce latency and enhance protection against targeted attacks.

Financial and strategic lessons from YouTube's CDN journey

YouTube's shift from relying on third-party CDNs to building its own infrastructure shows how investing in a custom CDN can save money and boost performance. In 2006, YouTube's bandwidth costs were substantial, and it was reported that the company was spending approximately $1 million per month on content delivery services from Akamai and Limelight combined. YouTube was hosting 65,000 new video uploads and getting over 100 million video views per day.

YouTube depended heavily on third-party CDNs like Akamai and Limelight Networks to distribute its massive volume of video content. This reliance led to substantial costs due to the high bandwidth and traffic demands, impacting YouTube's profitability. As a free-to-use service monetized primarily through advertising, YouTube needed a way to manage its delivery costs more effectively while improving the user experience.

Recognizing these financial constraints, Google, which acquired YouTube in 2006, decided to build its own CDN infrastructure. By investing in a custom-built CDN, YouTube was able to achieve significant cost reductions in two main ways:

  1. Eliminating third-party fees: Shifting away from external CDNs allowed YouTube to cut expenses associated with third-party services. This move reduced per-unit data delivery costs, which directly contributed to improved profit margins.
  2. Optimizing infrastructure: Owning the CDN allowed Google to invest strategically in infrastructure improvements, such as data centers and edge servers, that were tailored to YouTube's specific requirements. This investment provided long-term savings and allowed YouTube to scale effectively as its user base grew.

Building its own CDN allowed YouTube to enhance video delivery performance worldwide. Some of the key benefits included:

  1. Reduced latency: By using a custom CDN architecture, YouTube could position servers closer to their users, decreasing latency and buffering times. Faster load times led to better video quality and a smoother viewing experience, which helped increase user engagement and retention.
  2. Improved control over content distribution: Owning its CDN allowed YouTube to control the entire video delivery process. This control enabled better management of network traffic, more efficient use of bandwidth, and the ability to handle spikes in demand during high-traffic events, such as live streams and premieres.
  3. Enhanced security and content protection: By using its infrastructure, YouTube could better secure its content against threats such as DDoS attacks and content piracy. The company could implement proprietary security measures tailored to its needs, enhancing the overall safety of its platform.

YouTube when Google built its own CDN

Revenue growth

Reducing costs and boosting performance helped YouTube improve its profitability. By delivering a consistently better user experience, YouTube was able to attract more viewers and keep them engaged longer, leading to increased ad impressions and revenue. Additionally, a better-performing platform enabled YouTube to negotiate higher rates for its premium ad placements, further boosting revenue.

By taking control of its content delivery, YouTube turned a significant operational cost into a competitive advantage, signifying the strategic value of investing in custom CDN solutions.

Summing up

CDNs are essential for smooth video streaming, reducing delays, buffering, and costs while boosting security. Whether you go with a third-party CDN or build your own like YouTube did depends on what you need and your resources. For developers and content creators, mastering CDNs can be tricky, and that is where FastPix can help.

Our APIs offer key features such as adaptive bitrate streaming, so your users get a smooth viewing experience no matter what the network conditions Signed URLs and Digital Rights Management (DRM) to enhance security and control over your content. Plus, using multi-CDN delivery improves reliability and performance by spreading content across several networks.

Our product simplifies the integration of high-performance video streaming capabilities into your applications. FastPix allows you to focus on creating fascinating content while making sure it reaches your audience with the speed and quality they expect. Ready to take your video streaming to the next level? Get started today and see the difference optimized content delivery can make for your streaming projects.

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