What is RAG? What is multimodal RAG?

June 12, 2024
8 Min
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What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation? Aka RAG

Normally, the LLMs are trained on massive amounts of general information. That's great for most usecases, but what if you need it to understand something specific, like a doctor's report or a legal document?

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) is like giving the LLM a cheat sheet. You can feed it industry-specific information, like medical journals for a doctor's LLM or legal code for a lawyer's LLM. With this extra info, the LLM can understand your specific needs better and give you more accurate results.

Think of it like this: You can use a regular dictionary to understand most words. But if you're reading a medical report, you might need a medical dictionary with all the specific medical terms. RAG is like giving your LLM that medical dictionary for a particular task.

RAG is an approach for fine-tuning the effectiveness of LLMs in real-world applications across various domains by feeding industry-specific guidance/ data.

Why LLMs Need RAG?

Fine-tuning a Large Language Model (LLM) using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is essential for addressing complex situations and handling intensive tasks effectively.

Why LLMs Need RAG?

  1. Falsely Perceives the Prompt or Query:
    Without RAG, LLMs rely solely on their pre-trained knowledge, which might not be specific enough to understand the nuances of your prompt or query. Imagine a general dictionary trying to understand a medical term.

    RAG helps by providing domain-specific data during inference. This "cheat sheet" allows the LLM to fine-tuen and grasp the context of your query better and interpret it more accurately.
  2. May Have Old or Outdated  Information:
    LLMs are trained on massive datasets, but that data may not always be up-to-date. This can lead to responses based on outdated information.

    RAG can address this by incorporating access to fresh data sources during inference. This ensures the LLM has access to the latest information relevant to the specific task.
  3. No Idea of the Query or Subject of the Query Means:
    LLMs can struggle with understanding the specific intent or subject of your query, especially if it's phrased ambiguously.

    RAG helps by providing relevant context through retrieved data. This additional information helps the LLM understand the subject matter and tailor its response accordingly.
  4. May Not Generate a Result:
    In some cases, an LLM might not be able to generate a response at all if the prompt or query falls outside its training data.

    RAG can improve the LLM's ability to handle unseen situations. By providing relevant data points, RAG guides the LLM towards generating a more relevant, even if not perfect, response.

Overall, RAG acts as a bridge between the LLM's general knowledge and the specific needs of your situation. It helps the LLM to better understand your intent, access updated information, and generate more accurate and informative responses.

Technical Advantages of fine-tuning LLMs using RAG models

  1. Boosting Relevancy and Performance: Imagine you're asking a general search engine a question about a specific field, like medicine. The results might be okay, but they might not consider all the nuances of that field. RAG is like giving the search engine a boost of specialized knowledge. By feeding it industry-specific data, it can understand your question better and deliver answers that are more relevant and accurate for your needs.
  2. Adaptability Across Fields: Traditionally, LLMs needed to be completely retrained for each new task or industry. RAG is more flexible. Think of it like training a chef in all the basics of cooking. With RAG, the chef (LLM) can be quickly brought up to speed on a new cuisine (industry) by learning specific recipes (data) for that area. This allows LLMs to be used in various fields without a complete overhaul.
  3. Faster Learning Curve: Training a brand new LLM from scratch can be time-consuming. RAG acts as a shortcut. Because it leverages a pre-trained LLM that already has a strong foundation, it takes less time and resources to fine-tune it for a specific task. This means you can get your LLM up and running faster and start benefiting from its expertise sooner.

What is Multimodal RAG?

Multimodal Retrieval-Augmented Generation (MM-RAG) isn't about fine-tuning AI models, by incorporating information from images, sound, and text to create a richer understanding of a user's query. This allows MM-RAG to generate responses with greater contextual meaning, providing a more comprehensive and informative experience.

Working of Multimodal RAG

How does Multi-modal RAG work?

1. User Query Processing:

  • Preprocessing: The user query is cleaned up. This might involve removing punctuation, converting text to lowercase, and handling typos.
  • Chunking: The query is broken down into smaller, meaningful units. This could be individual words, phrases, or even sentences depending on the complexity of the question.
  • Embedding: Each chunk is then passed through an encoder. This encoder is a powerful AI model that analyzes the chunk and translates it into a numerical representation called an embedding. This embedding captures the meaning of the chunk in a way that a computer can understand.

2. Guide Document Processing:

  • Preparation: Similar to the user query, the guide documents (which can be text, images, audio, or video) are prepped for processing. This might involve tasks like text recognition for images or speech-to-text conversion for audio.
  • Segmentation: The guide documents are segmented based on the data type. For text documents, this could be individual sentences or paragraphs. For images, it could be pre-defined regions or segments identified using computer vision techniques. For audio and video, it could be smaller clips or segments based on pauses or scene changes.
  • Embedding: Like the user query chunks, each segment of the guide document is then encoded and converted into an embedding. This allows the system to represent the content of each segment numerically.

3. Similarity Matching and Retrieval:

  • Comparison: A similarity algorithm compares the embedding of each query chunk to the embeddings of all the guide document segments. This comparison helps determine how well the content of the segment matches the meaning of the query chunk.
  • Aggregation: The similarity scores for each query chunk across all guide document segments are then aggregated. This can involve techniques like averaging or more sophisticated methods depending on the specific system.
  • Retrieval: Based on the aggregated similarity scores, the system retrieves a set of guide document segments that have the highest overall similarity to the user query. This retrieved set becomes the relevant context for generating the response.

4. Response Generation:

  • Prompting: The retrieved guide document segments, along with the original user query, are used to create a prompt for a large language model (like me!). This prompt essentially summarizes the key information and context the model should consider when generating the response.
  • Response Generation: The large language model then takes this prompt and uses its knowledge and abilities to generate a response that is informative, relevant, and addresses the user's intent. This response can leverage the different data types retrieved from the guide documents, potentially incorporating text, images, or even audio snippets (depending on the system capabilities).

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Practical problems of implementing Multimodal RAG

Data Processing Bottlenecks:

  • Chunking and Cleaning: Effectively chunking data, especially complex formats like audio and video, can be a challenge. Similarly, data cleaning for different modalities requires specialized techniques (e.g., speech recognition for audio) which can be complex and resource-intensive.
  • Embedding Generation: Training encoders to create high-quality embeddings for various data types is computationally expensive. This translates to time and resource constraints, impacting development timelines and costs.

Performance and Scalability:

  • Vector Search: Performing efficient similarity searches on high-dimensional embeddings, especially with large datasets, requires specialized algorithms and powerful hardware. This can be a significant cost factor for large-scale deployments.

Data Availability and Training Needs:

  • Training Data Scarcity: Training effective Multimodal RAG models requires vast amounts of labeled data across different modalities. Gathering and labeling such data can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • Expertise Gap: Building and maintaining Multimodal RAG systems requires a team with expertise in areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning. Finding and retaining such talent can be challenging.

Here's how these challenges might impact business decisions:

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: The potential benefits of Multimodal RAG (richer user experiences, improved accuracy) need to be weighed against the significant development and operational costs.
  • Phased Implementation: A phased approach might be considered, starting with simpler data types (text and images) and gradually incorporating more complex modalities as expertise and resources allow.
  • Focus on Specific Use Cases: Focusing on specific use cases where the benefits of Multimodal RAG are most compelling can help prioritize development efforts and resource allocation.

Using FastPix's Multimodal AI with Fine-Tuned LLMs and RAG for Category-Specific Applications

Building robust multimodal AI models for video analysis can be a significant hurdle due to their complexity, steep learning curve, and associated costs. At FastPix, we integrate RAG to enhance the capabilities of our multimodal AI engine, ensuring it can manage intricate queries and perform heavy computational lifting with precision.

RAG combines the strengths of retrieval-based methods with generative capabilities, allowing our AI to access and utilize a vast repository of data to generate more accurate and contextually relevant responses. By fine-tuning the LLM with RAG, we ensure our system is adept at understanding and responding to detailed and nuanced requests, providing you with robust and reliable performance.

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