Dubbing - Replace soundtrack with new audio

August 23, 2024
7 Min
Video Engineering
This is some text inside of a div block.

Replacing audio in a video manually can be a headache. Getting the new audio to sync perfectly with the visuals is challenging, and even a slight misalignment can ruin the video. Ensuring consistent quality, like matching volume levels and clarity, adds to the difficulty. The process is also time-consuming and requires specialized, often expensive software, with plenty of opportunities for errors.

Audio editing

Now imagine being able to replace your audio content within minutes in your video-centric product or application. You can change language tracks, updated voiceovers, or even just a change in background music all without altering the visuals. Replace audio feature let you swap the original audio track of a video with a new audio file, making it easy to add custom soundtracks, fix audio issues, or translate content.

Key benefits of replace audio

1. Seamless content updates

This feature is particularly valuable for keeping content fresh, whether for corporate training, marketing campaigns, or educational modules. By replacing outdated or incorrect audio tracks with new ones, you can ensure that your videos remain relevant and accurate with minimal effort.

2. Enhanced accessibility

The ability to replace audio tracks means that videos can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse audiences, including those who speak different languages or require alternative narrations (e.g., for accessibility purposes). This feature supports inclusivity by making content accessible to a wider range of viewers.

3. Efficient workflow integration

This feature integrates smoothly into existing workflows, enabling developers to automate the process of audio replacement via the API. Whether you’re working with a large batch of videos or need to make quick updates, the process is streamlined, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency across all your content.

4. Improved viewer experience

By enabling precise and smooth audio replacement, this feature enhances the overall quality of your videos. Whether it’s updating a voiceover to better match the visuals or adding new background music, the result is a more professional and polished viewing experience that can better engage and retain your audience.

5. Scalability for large projects

For projects involving numerous videos or frequent updates, the ability to replace audio tracks efficiently at scale is a significant advantage. This feature ensures that even large-scale projects can be managed with ease, allowing for consistent updates across a vast video library without the need for extensive re-editing.

Replace existing audio with new tracks using FastPix APIs

At FastPix, the "Replace Existing Audio with New Tracks" feature is designed to offer a straightforward and efficient way to update the audio in video content. Here's how it works:

Replace Existing Audio with New Tracks with Fastpix API

Understanding the process

When you want to replace the audio in a video using FastPix APIs, the process involves specifying two key inputs:

  1. The video URL: This is the link to the video file whose audio you want to replace.
  2. The new audio URL: This is the link to the audio file that will replace the existing audio track in the video.

FastPix API handles the complex tasks of merging the new audio with the existing video, ensuring that the synchronization between the video and the new audio track is precise.

Step-by-step breakdown

Step 1: Specify the video

You begin by providing the URL of the video that needs its audio track replaced. In the API call, this is done by setting the "type" to "video" and specifying the "url" of the video.


    "type": "audio",
    "swapTrackUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/gtvorBiggerJoyrides.mp4"

Step 2: Provide the new audio track

Next, you provide the URL of the new audio file that will replace the old audio. This is done by setting the "type" to "audio" and including the "swapTrackUrl".


    "type": "audio",
    "swapTrackUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/gtvorBiggerJoyrides.mp4"

Click here to access FastPix API documentation

Learning from examples: Scenarios to use replace audio

Updating corporate training videos

A global corporation frequently updates its training materials to stay current with new policies and procedures. The original videos, recorded a year ago, now need a refresh. The development team can use the audio replacement feature to update the voiceover in these training videos without altering the visuals.

By simply providing the URLs for the original video and the new audio tracks, they can swap out the outdated narration with the latest version in multiple languages. This ensures all employees receive the most up-to-date information, regardless of their location or language.

This method saves time and resources by avoiding the need for complete re-recording or re-editing. It also enables rapid updates to training materials, keeping content relevant and compliant with the latest policies.

Enhancing marketing campaigns with localized content

A marketing team is launching a global ad campaign with universally appealing visuals but needs to localize the voiceover for different markets. The development team can use the audio replacement API to create versions of the promotional video in various languages. By replacing the original English audio with translations in Spanish, French, Mandarin, and more, they tailor the content for each market while preserving the high-quality visuals. This method extends the campaign's reach and boosts engagement across diverse regions, all while maintaining brand consistency and adapting the message to fit cultural nuances.

Revamping e-learning modules

An e-learning platform needs to update its health and wellness course with new information. The team uses the audio replacement feature to refresh the narration in the existing course videos. By replacing the old audio with the updated content, they keep the course material without re-recording the video segments. This approach minimizes downtime, enabling quick updates and ensuring the course remains fresh and accurate, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for students.

Improving accessibility with multi-language support

A non-profit organization producing educational videos for community programs needs to offer them in multiple languages but lacks the resources to create new videos for each language. To address this, the development team uses the audio replacement API to add voiceovers in various languages to the existing videos. By swapping the original audio with translated versions, they ensure that each community receives the content in their preferred language.

Releasing updated product demos

A software company regularly updates its product, and with each new release, the demo videos need to be updated to showcase the latest features. However, the visuals in the video remain relevant; only the audio needs to be changed to reflect the new updates. The company uses the audio replacement feature to update the narration in their demo videos. By replacing the old audio with new tracks that highlight the latest features, they ensure that prospective customers always see the most current version of the product.


The "Replace Soundtrack with New Audio" feature streamlines the complex task of updating audio in videos. With FastPix APIs, you can easily swap out old audio tracks for new ones, keeping your content fresh and relevant. Whether you're updating training materials, localizing ads, or enhancing e-learning modules, this tool ensures a smooth, efficient process that saves time and maintains high-quality results.

FAQs: Frequently asked questions about replace audio

What types of audio files are supported for replacement?

Our tool supports a wide range of audio formats, including MP3, WAV, and AAC. Ensure that your new audio file is in one of these formats to ensure smooth integration.

Can I use this feature for live video streaming?

If the new audio track is not the same length as the original, you might experience synchronization issues. It’s important to edit the audio to match the video's duration as closely as possible. For significant differences in length, consider using audio editing tools to trim or loop the audio.

Can I use this feature for live video streaming?

This feature is specific to pre-recorded videos (VOD) rather than live streaming.

How do I handle multiple languages for localization in a single video?

For videos requiring multiple language tracks, you can create separate versions of the video with each language's audio track. The FastPix API can then handle the replacement for each version, ensuring accurate localization for different audiences.

What if I encounter issues with audio quality after replacement?

Ensure that your new audio file is of high quality and that the encoding settings are compatible with your video. If issues persist, verify that the audio file’s bitrate and sample rate match the original to maintain consistency.

How can I ensure that the replaced audio meets accessibility standards?

When replacing audio, ensure that the new track includes accessibility features such as subtitles or closed captions if required. Our API will not automatically add these features, so you may need to include them separately.

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