Video classification with AI

September 6, 2024
8 Min
In-Video AI
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Back in 2012, something big happened in the world of AI. During the ImageNet competition, where AI systems battled to recognize images, a model named AlexNet stole the show. It didn’t just win; it slashed the error rate in half, leaving everyone else in the dust. This win didn’t just make headline, it sparked a revolution in how we process visual data.

What started as a competition to label images soon evolved into something much more powerful: video classification. The techniques AlexNet used, like deep convolutional networks, laid the groundwork for today’s advanced video analysis tools. Fast forward a decade, and we’ve gone from identifying simple objects in photos to understanding entire scenes in videos, powering everything from smart content recommendations to automated moderation.  

In this blog, we’ll dive into video classification—exploring the technology behind it, the problems it solves, and the new innovations shaping its future. Whether you want to understand how machines analyze video content or learn about its uses across different industries, we've got plenty of insights to share.

Video classification with AI

What is video classification?

The basic process of how videos are classified into categories or tags.

Video classification typically involves several steps:

Data input: The video data is fed into the classification system. This includes the visual frames, audio tracks, and any accompanying metadata (e.g., title, description).

Feature extraction: The system analyzes the video to extract key features that are relevant for classification. This can include visual elements like objects, scenes, or actions, as well as audio features like speech, music, or sound effects.

Model application: The classification model processes the extracted features, including objects, audio, and text. Trained on a large dataset, it uses these elements to predict the appropriate categories for the video.

Classification: The system outputs a label or set of labels that best describe the content of the video. For example, a video of a soccer match might be classified as "sports," "soccer," and "outdoor."

Tagging and storage: The classified video is tagged with the appropriate labels and stored in a database, making it easier to search, retrieve, and recommend to users.

Video classification process in detail

Traditional way of video classification

Traditional video classification methods relied heavily on manual tagging or simple rule-based systems:

Manual tagging: Picture a team of human operators, diligently watching hours upon hours of video footage. Their task? To manually assign labels to each video based on its content. If a clip featured a soccer match, they’d label it "sports." If it was a sitcom, they’d tag it as "comedy." While this method often led to accurate results, it was incredibly time-consuming.

Each minute of video required careful attention, and as the volume of digital content exploded, this approach quickly became impractical. Not only was it expensive requiring a large workforce but it also introduced the risk of inconsistency, as different taggers might interpret the same content in slightly different ways.

Rule-based systems: To speed up the process, rule-based systems were introduced. These systems classified videos by applying a set of predefined rules. For example, a rule might dictate that "If a video contains more than 50% dialogue, classify it as a talk show." While this approach was faster than manual tagging, it had significant limitations. Rule-based systems lacked the flexibility to handle the nuances of video content. Complex or ambiguous scenes—like a documentary that’s both educational and entertaining—could easily trip up the system, leading to misclassifications. Moreover, these systems were static; they couldn’t adapt to new types of content or evolving genres without being manually updated by engineers.

As the traditional classification comes with lot of challenges and inefficiency and with the demand of video in current state, demanded a better solution thus when AI got involved.

Video classification with AI

AI-powered techniques have significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of video classification:

Automated feature extraction: AI models can automatically extract relevant features from video data without needing manual intervention. For example, a deep learning model might identify specific objects, actions, or even the emotional tone of a scene.

Learning from data: AI models are trained on large datasets and can learn complex patterns that rule-based systems cannot capture. This allows them to classify videos with a higher degree of nuance and accuracy.

Scalability: AI systems can process and classify thousands of hours of video in a fraction of the time it would take for a human, making them ideal for handling the vast amounts of content generated today.

AI vs. Traditional video classification

Aspect Traditional video classification AI-driven video classification
Scalability and efficiency Manual tagging is time-consuming and impractical for large volumes. Automatically processes thousands of videos simultaneously and scales easily.
Consistency and accuracy Prone to inconsistencies, biases, and quality variation due to human error. Applies uniform criteria, ensuring high accuracy and consistent quality.
Feature recognition Requires extensive manual review, often missing subtle details. Recognizes complex patterns, detecting objects, scenes, and actions precisely.
Search and retrieval Limited by inconsistent manual tags, leading to less relevant search results. Generates granular tags, enhancing searchability and retrieval accuracy.
Real-time classification Cannot keep pace with real-time content creation; done in batches. Enables real-time categorization, ideal for instant moderation and organization.
Personalization Recommendations are less precise and may not align closely with user preferences. Analyzes user behavior to offer personalized suggestions, boosting engagement.
Multimodal integration Treats video, audio, and metadata separately, leading to fragmented classification. Integrates visual, auditory, and textual data for a holistic classification.
Adaptive learning Requires manual updates and retraining to adapt to new trends. Continuously learns and improves through exposure to new content and trends.

How AI enhances video classification‍

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an important role in video classification by automating the identification and categorization of video content. Machine learning, a key component of AI, enables systems to efficiently analyze vast amounts of video data, uncovering patterns that were once difficult and time-consuming to detect. Whether it's through supervised learning, unsupervised learning, or deep learning, AI-driven video classification is now more accurate, scalable, and faster than ever, changing the way how we interact with and manage video content.

Role of machine learning in video classification

ML algorithms are designed to learn from data and make predictions or decisions based on that learning. In the context of video classification, ML enables systems to automatically identify patterns and categorize video content, making it more efficient and scalable.

Supervised learning: In supervised learning, algorithms are trained on a dataset where the categories are already known. This approach involves feeding the model a set of labeled videos so it can learn to recognize and predict these labels for new videos. Examples of supervised learning methods used in video classification include decision trees and support vector machines (SVMS).

Unsupervised learning: Unsupervised learning algorithms, in contrast, work with unlabelled data. The goal is to uncover hidden patterns or structures within the video data. Techniques such as clustering can group similar videos together without predefined categories, while dimensionality reduction methods can simplify the data to reveal important features.

Deep learning: Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, uses neural networks with multiple layers to process and classify complex data. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are particularly powerful in deep learning for video classification, as they excel in extracting and learning features from video frames. These models are adept at handling large datasets and providing accurate classifications.

Computer vision and Neural networks

Importance of computer vision in video classification

Computer vision (CV) is crucial for recognizing and interpreting visual patterns within videos. It allows systems to detect and analyze objects, actions, and scenes, providing the visual understanding needed for accurate classification. By breaking down each frame of a video and analyzing its content, CV algorithms enable machines to interpret what is happening within the video.

Role of Neural Networks in processing video frames

Neural networks, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNS), are fundamental in processing video frames for classification. CNNS are designed to simulate the human visual system's ability to recognize patterns. In video classification, CNNS analyze each frame through a series of convolutional layers that detect various features such as edges and textures, followed by pooling layers that reduce dimensionality, and fully connected layers that perform the final classification. This hierarchical approach allows CNNS to learn complex and abstract features from video data, resulting in highly accurate classifications.

Analyzing and classifying audio Tracks, subtitles, and on-screen text

Natural Language Processing (NLP) enhances video classification by analyzing and interpreting the audio tracks, subtitles, and on-screen text within videos. NLP techniques enable systems to convert spoken words into text, analyze subtitles, and extract information from on-screen text with the help of computer vision. This textual data provides additional context that helps in categorizing the video content more accurately.

Integration of visual and textual data

Combining visual data with textual metadata provides a comprehensive approach to video classification. By integrating the insights gained from computer vision with the information extracted through NLP, systems can achieve a deeper understanding of video content. This integration allows for more precise classification, as it leverages both the visual elements and the textual context to provide a fuller picture of the video's content.

technical overview of video classification

Applications of AI-driven video classification with examples

Content moderation

AI-driven video classification is a game-changer for content moderation. It automatically spots and filters out inappropriate content by using deep learning models trained on vast datasets. These smart systems can accurately identify explicit imagery, violence, or hate speech by analyzing both visual and audio elements. With the ability to flag or even remove violating content in real-time, AI reduces the need for manual moderation and creates a safer environment for users, keeping harmful material at bay.

Example: Social media platform like Instagram can uses AI to instantly detect and remove a video containing hate speech, stopping it from spreading and protecting users from exposure to harmful content.

Content moderation with AI

Recommendation Engines

AI classification is at the heart of recommendation engines on video platforms. By analyzing user behavior and the characteristics of content, AI sorts videos into categories like genre, theme, or sentiment. This allows platforms to suggest relevant content, keeping users engaged and increasing retention. For instance, if you often watch tech tutorials, AI will likely recommend more educational content along the same lines. These targeted recommendations not only make the user experience better but also help users discover new content.

Example: A streaming service like Netflix suggests a new sci-fi series to a user based on their history of watching science fiction and fantasy content, thanks to AI's ability to understand their viewing preferences.

Netflix content classification

Security and Surveillance

In security and surveillance, AI-driven video classification is invaluable for monitoring and analyzing footage. AI can be trained to detect unusual activities like loitering, unauthorized entry, or aggressive behavior. By classifying different actions and events within the video feed, these systems can alert security personnel to potential threats in real-time. This is especially useful in large-scale surveillance operations, where continuous manual monitoring would be nearly impossible. With AI prioritizing and classifying events, security measures become more efficient and proactive.

Example: In a shopping mall, AI-driven video classification alerts security personnel when it detects loitering near a restricted area, potentially preventing a security breach before it happens.

Security with content classification
Source: vvdntech

Education and Training

AI-driven video classification is making waves in education and training by improving how educational content is organized and delivered. AI can categorize videos based on topics, difficulty levels, or learning outcomes, making it easier for learners to find what they need. For example, an online learning platform can use AI to recommend videos that match a student’s progress or interests, creating a more personalized learning experience. Educators can also use AI to spot gaps in content or to curate specific learning paths, enhancing the effectiveness of educational programs.

Example: An online learning platform uses AI to recommend advanced programming tutorials to a student who has just completed an intermediate coding course, helping them seamlessly move to the next level.

Challenges in AI video classification

Data quality and quantity

High-quality training data is the cornerstone of effective AI video classification. For AI models to accurately classify video content, they require vast amounts of diverse and representative data. However, obtaining such data can be challenging. Datasets must be carefully curated to ensure they capture the full range of scenarios the AI might encounter, from different video qualities and lighting conditions to diverse subjects and activities. Poor-quality or insufficient data can lead to inaccurate classifications, undermining the reliability of the AI system.

Example: An AI model trained on a limited dataset primarily featuring urban environments may struggle to accurately classify videos taken in rural settings, leading to potential misclassifications.

Bias and fairness

AI models are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. If the training data contains inherent biases—such as overrepresentation of certain demographics or underrepresentation of others—the AI system may produce skewed results. This bias can manifest in video classification, where certain groups or behaviors are unfairly flagged or ignored. Ensuring fairness in AI video classification requires ongoing scrutiny of training datasets and model outputs to identify and mitigate biases.

Example: An AI system trained predominantly on Western media may inaccurately classify cultural practices or attire from non-Western regions, leading to unfair moderation or incorrect recommendations.

Computational resources

Real-time AI video classification demands significant computational power. Processing and analyzing video data, particularly at scale, requires robust hardware and optimized algorithms. The need for substantial computational resources not only increases the cost of deploying AI systems but also raises concerns about energy consumption and sustainability. Balancing the demand for real-time performance with resource efficiency remains a key challenge.

Example: A video streaming platform that employs real-time AI classification for millions of users must invest in high-performance servers and GPU clusters, driving up operational costs and energy usage.

Privacy concerns

AI-driven video classification, particularly in surveillance and monitoring applications, raises important ethical questions about privacy. The ability to automatically analyze and categorize video content can lead to intrusive surveillance practices, where individuals' actions are constantly monitored without their consent. Ensuring that AI systems are deployed in a manner that respects privacy rights and adheres to legal frameworks is critical.

Example: A city-wide surveillance system using AI video classification to monitor public spaces may inadvertently violate citizens' privacy if data is not properly anonymized or if the surveillance extends beyond what is legally permissible.

Summing it up…

As video content continues to grow, effective classification is more important than ever. Manually tagging videos can be overwhelming and time-consuming, often leading to missed opportunities.

FastPix simplifies this process with its content classification feature. It automatically analyzes and categorizes your videos, so you can spend less time organizing and more time creating.

Content classification with FastPix

FastPix also offers other features such as video summaries, object detection, and conversational search. This features understands your videos and unlocks human-like understanding which help in content discoverability and helps you engage your audience more effectively. FastPix’s In-Video AI provides deep insights into video content, enhancing viewer engagement. With In-video AI FastPix also offers detailed video analytics tracking over 30 metrics per session to help users monitor performance and quickly identify issues. This approach enables businesses to make informed decisions that improve user experiences. Supporting both live streaming and video on demand, FastPix helps organizations to  enhance their video capabilities, drive growth, and deliver exceptional experiences that stand out in a competitive digital landscape.

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